This site is a joint collaborative endeavor of the three national sections. It contains information on the dispute settlement proceedings, legal texts and panel decisions and reports respecting the Agreement.
Legal Instruments governing the Dispute Settlement Proceedings

Rules of Procedure
The Rules of Procedure governing the Dispute Settlement Proceedings under The Agreement outline the steps and processes involved in resolving disputes between member countries.

Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is designed to uphold the integrity and impartiality of proceedings within Chapter 10 (Trade Remedies) and Chapter 31 (Dispute Settlement) of the Agreement.

Procedural Forms
The agreement includes provisions related to dispute settlement procedures, but specific forms and procedural details need to be outlined in separate documents or procedural rules.
Publicly available materials for cases under Chapter 10 and Chapter 31 of the CUSMA/USMCA/TMEC are available on the Trade Agreements Secretariat’s e-Filing registry. Consult the TAS e-Filing User Guide (PDF Version - 5.33 MB) for more information.
National Sections
The Secretariat, comprised of a Canadian Section, a United States Section and a Mexican Section, is responsible for the administration of the dispute settlement provisions of the Agreement.

Canadian Section (TCT)
111 Sussex Drive, 4th Floor
Ottawa, ON Canada
K1A 0G2
Telephone No.: 613-878-2350
E-mail: canada@can-mex-usa-sec.org

Mexican Section
Pachuca No. 189, 17th floor
Colonia Condesa, Demarcación Territorial Cuauhtémoc
C.P. 06140, Mexico City
Telephone No.: +52 55 57 29 91 00 Ext. 15085
E-mail: ssmtlc@economia.gob.mx

U.S. Section
Room 2061
1401 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230
Telephone No.: 202-482-5438
Fax No.: 202-482-0148
E-mail: usa@can-mex-usa-sec.org
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